BANKSY Skull Print (Blue)
banksy skull print blue pow
middle of banksy skull print blue pow
close up of skull from banksy skull print blue pow
skull detailed view from banksy skull print blue pow
side view of banksy skull print blue pow


BANKSY Skull Print (Blue)


Stunning Banksy Skull and Paintbrushes Print in blue color.
Released in 2010 at Paul Insects Unclear Residents show by Pictures On Walls (POW) the legendary print house in London.
These screenprints were mostly printed in the skull being black but other colors were also made such as this pink, blue, purple and some others colors.
The colored versions are very rare to find.
A painted version of the skull artwork was also in Banksy’s studio and can be seen in Banksy’s movie Exit Through the Gift Shop.
This version of the Skull was also used as the official logo for some time by POW.
Other artists in the POW group have also painted the Skull and Paintbrushes motif in their own style such as Paul Insect, Ben Eine and more.
Some of these were also pasted around London during this time making these a great part of the POW street art story.
Screenprint in color on thin paper paste up paper.
The pink on this print is great quality and has a slight gloss.
Please note: These prints do not qualify for Pest Control COA.
Certificate of Authenticity issued by our gallery is included.

CONDITION: Excellent condition. Never framed or displayed. The paper has a wrinkly quality due to it being paste up paper which is thin.
63.5 cm x 70.7 cm
25 inches x 27.8

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